Pulser tryout

The boards for the Pulser circuit came in the mail on Saturday:

Received a week and a day after ordering, not bad !  I did a quick trial with the VE3DNL marker generator, the pulse width, depending on how it is measured looks to be roughly 25 ns in width, also not bad considering this is wacky old 4000 series CMOS.

Finally here is a quick look at the output using the Tiny SA to measure the 10 kHz harmonics at 27 MHz:

Not super strong but looks very even in amplitude and -91 dbm should be easy to spot on most receivers.  The eveness in amplitude is the whole reason for the Pulser circuit, for a little more discussion and references see the markers pdf:


BTW why 27 MHz ?  I monitor channel 4 on the K2, my old Knight-kit walkie talkie beacon so I listened first for the 10 kHz markers around there.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY