Parcel Wrapping
I remember when I used to work at GTE we would have conflict at times, mild conflict but conflict, between the workers and "management".
One time in particular in the receiving inspection department a certain order of ICs had to be expedited, it was "hot". Actually it seemed like everything was "hot", they even had crews of expeditors with their lists of parts orders. The technician for the shift was remonstrating with the inspector about the order:
"It's going across the hall to the stockroom ! Why are you wrapping it up like this ? It's going about 100 feet !"
Which was true :) So the inspector (who had been listening quietly with his glasses off) put his glasses back on and quietly continued applying strips of mucilage backed brown paper to the cardboard box of parts - completely ignoring the poor tech ! The technician had no power - he wasn't anyones boss :)
The inspector and I knew that often the "hotness" of the order was really just some arbitrary whim of the expeditor's computer generated list. The "hot" parcel might very well be sitting there in the stockroom, untouched for days after we had rushed the order through inspection.
I think of this often when I'm packing up a kit order, and when I do I'll usually put at least one more strip of strapping tape on the order, whether it needs it or not, cheap insurance !
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY