
Veritasium released an interesting video on Oppenheimer:

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzv84ZdtlE0

A few items caught my eye:

Oppenheimer tried to poison his tutor at Cambridge with a poisoned apple ?:

Hahn and Strassmann split the uranium atom on a tabletop ? (it almost looks like a ham rig other than the Erlenmeyer flask)

Oppenheimer wasn't the kind of person to worry about mentioning his family :)

Oppenheimer had ants in his pants ?


Sperm whale oil ?  I never knew about this !  Good thing that Uranium was so hard to enrich:

I'll probably not see the actual movie for some time, but I'm sure it will be fascinating.

The video mentions Heisenberg but as was told in this book:


the allies really didn't have to worry about a Nazi atom bomb, Heisenberg never really made an effort.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY