Another failed kit experiment

 An idea occurred to me: combine the Keyer Enclosure kit (with a MegaPK-II keyer installed)

 with the PICPADL kit:

And this resulted:

Actually I usually use the same combination but with the PICPADL in a separate Altoids tin cabled to the Keyer Enclosure kit.  But I thought mounting the paddle directly to the enclosure might be handier.

It wasn't, in fact the paddle seemed to act weirdly, sometimes sticking ON and other times ignoring presses.  And this was just practicing without actually keying a transmitter.  I guess I should have listened to my own advice using a metal enclosure for the paddle.  Also it looks bad.  An idea worth trying but no cheroot  :)

I suppose the PICPADL could be mounted within the case screwed to the underside of the top plate.  But the problem would be cutting a slot into the Bakelite/phenolic case cleanly and accurately.  Also the battery would be in the way - I'll keep thinking about it.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY