Simple Active Antenna II

 I still haven't tried the W2IMB active antenna:

 but this one is even simpler by virtue of using only 1 transistor:

although the coupler circuit is more complex and a toroid is used (note that the transistor is a J310, J301 is a typo).  It's from a series of articles by R.W. Burhans in the February to June 1983 issues of Radio Electonics magazine.  The schematic was on page 64 of this one:

This issue is also available on the wonderful yet wacky World Radio History site:

R.W. Burhans was a prolific author in this area, here is another more complex earlier design in a NASA publication:

and this one:

I believe I may have most of these parts from the Radio Electronics article with the possible exception of the FT50-75 toroid.  BTW, Digi-Key now sells Fair-Rite products like the FT50-75.  So if Mouser is out of stock on Fair-Rite it will be nice to be able to use Digi-Key, too.

What I need is a cross-reference between the Amidon part numbers like FT50-75 and the actual Fair-Rite part numbers.  Amidon is usually referenced in most ham radio magazine articles.  With Amidon I know that FT means Ferrite Toroid, 50 is 1/2 inch OD ?, 75 is the ferrite mix used.  OOPS, just tried a search and here one is from Palomar:

Nice !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY