
 Not actual animals but some cat sculptures in the chimney of a house in Fox Point, WI.  I remember being in the back seat of the car as a kid coming home from a shopping trip, Dad would always go down Lake Drive and I'd look for this house with the cats, here it is courtesy of the internet in  2009:

Not sure why there is a double image, but those items in the chimney are cats.

And again in 2011:

Yet another time in 2015:

But in 2021 they were gone !

  What happened to the cats ?   Another possible mystery for a 21st century version of the Hardy Boys ?

This house is on the east side of Lake Drive across from a narrow parkway behind the railroad tracks and then the Village of Fox Point municipal buildings.

It is kinda fun to periodically take a virtual stroll or drive around places I used to know well.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY