The soldering iron accessory (blinking LED signifying a live power strip) was mentioned here:
I also mentioned the 2 transistor oscillator, here is a schematic for it:
The blinking LED indicator is just two parts, the LED and a series resistor. However the 2 transistor oscillator needs 8 more parts, 9 if you count a board. So even though the blinking LEDs cost a buck each it was worth it just for simplicity.
Maybe I'll kit this circuit or at least include the circuit in another kit, we'll see. It works well, uses about 0.1 mA at 9 volts with a period of about 1 second, here is the waveform:
Pretty decent square wave as far as symmetry, too. An LED can be connected to one or both of the outputs with a series resistor to +9 volts for complete blinkiness (or even clickiness if a piezo is connected).
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY