2n6028 Programmable Unijunction Transistor (PUT)
Also found in the junkbox with the other unijunction transistors yesterday were 10 x 2n6028 PUT transistors from Digikey. These are similar to regular unijunctions like used in the Super Whoopee but they must be "programmed" with two resistors as seen in this circuit from the ON Semiconductor datasheet page 4:
So I tried one of the 2n6028 PUTs in the same circuit as yesterday, except added two resistors, a 5.1k ohm for R1 and a 4.7k ohm for R2, this was the result:
So the PUT is similar to the other "real" unijunctions. However like the "real" unijunction transistors the 2n6027/28 PUTs are only available on the secondary market, ON Semi has discontinued them.
But it is nice to have choices, especially if they are cheaper.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY