The Solution ?

Still having trouble dialing in the maple sap boiling.  Getting too many flip outs of the still breaker, often just a few minutes before the scheduled time.

It's due to the changing nature of the room temperature, the sap temperature (usually whatever the fridge temp is), the amount of sap (usually  4 liters) and the sugar concentration.

Now that the end of the season is pretty close I may have an idea ?  Just monitor the amount of distilled water output.

Unfortunately this is about 1 gallon of water and I don't have any measuring cups bigger than 1 quart.  I normally use an old enameled stock pot to catch the water as it drips out,

But I have noticed 1 gallon measuring pitchers like this on Amazon / Ebay:

They aren't cheap (in the 20 to 40 dollar range) but is anything these days ?  So I will get one and try it - the idea is to stop the boil arbitrarily at 126 ounces, yielding 8 ounces of almost syrup but before the breaker trips.  Hopefully next year there will be fewer flip outs !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY