The Perfect Boil
Sometimes it happens, just dumb luck, last night I boiled 4 liters of maple sap and this morning I had about 7 oz. of maple syrup !
The 4 liters of sap was 3.7% sugar. How do I know ? I used the longer of the two refractomers pictured:
It is a 0 to 10% unit so it has better resolution than the 0 to 32% one that I purchased first.
The 7 oz. of syrup is 66.5% sugar which is close enough to the goal of 66% to qualify a syrup to me :) How do I know ? I used the shorter of the two refractometers to measure the syrup.
The percentages mentioned above are by mass, finished syrup is more like 87% sugar by volume. So that's why a lot of care is needed when boiling the sap at the end, there isn't that much water left by volume.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY