Raquel Welch

I read that Raquel Welch has died at the age of 82.  

The two most memorable shows she was in for me were: American Family on PBS:

And Fantastic Voyage:

So I re-watched Fantastic Voyage (American Family was an 8 part series so a re-watch will take time).  Here are a few stills from the movie:

TWA ?  Kind of like re-watching 2001 A Space Odyssey and seeing Pan Am !

CMDF ?  Would it be an American operation if no initials were involved ? (Combined Miniature Deterrence Force)

Submarine ?  And any American quest has to include a cool looking vehicle of some kind (aka Proteus aka U91035)

A Vibroplex ?  Yup, Stephen Boyd was the radio guy, some kind of Bendix radio machine ?

Steve keeps his eyes open

mini antenna

antibodies on Raquel !

and they re-appear

One weird thing about Fantastic Voyage was that the book was written by Isaac Asimov but he didn't write the screenplay and the book was released before the movie.

The director of Fantastic Voyage, Richard Fleischer, was part of the famous Fleischer family known for their animation - primarily Popeye cartoons.

Totally implausible and unscientific but completely fun and one of the first shows to use the concept of "real time".

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY