Geezerhood II

 I was looking at this page:

after watching Mr. Carlson mansplaining his work on an old RCA communications receiver:


In the RCA receiver video Mr. C. was replacing the triple cap in the metal can with three separate Illinois Capacitor axial caps.   He used a little outside foil test gizmo in the RCA video but in the first video he just used a scope.

I tried the scope method using my B&K 2190d digital scope.  It did work BUT what I really found out was that due to having to horse the cap leads back and forth between the probe ground connection and the probe tip I found yet another indication of Geezerhood:

  I had a hard time opening the ground alligator clip - the plastic insulation on the clip is hardening (not enough BPA ?).  So I cut the insulation loose.  It was better but the clip is still kinda stiff.

Time for some kind of ZIF connection !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY