I'm officially out of the loop

I watched this video about ATSC 3.0 (Next Generation digital television):


I realized that 1) I'm losing the ability to understand non-native English speakers
and 2) I've lost the handle on buzzwords and acronyms

I also mentioned before:  https://wb9kzy.blogspot.com/2022/05/the-bit-player-claude-shannon.html

that I did NOT choose "wisely" in college:


Not only have the technical details of digital TV changed completely (everyone will need new sets or converter boxes) but the resulting excess of bandwidth finds the TV station looking for other ways to use their broadcasting channel - in the video the concentration was on public service but might also be used commercially now that TV is more amenable to vehicles.

It's still signals overcoming noise though.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY