The Christmas show

 I've posted this before both on the website and here as well but I think it's worth repeating.

Here are a couple of recordings made with this crystal set:

of WTMJ, 620 kHz in Milwaukee, WI  during the 1970s.  The post-war version of the Fred Allen Christmas show with the sketch: Santa Claus goes on Strike:

This intro was done by John Grams I *think* during the holiday season of 1974.  It's from his Saturday night program: Grams on Jazz.  It was recorded with my Magnavox 5" reel-to-reel recorder - you can hear at about 30 seconds into this clip where I flipped the speed from 1 7/8 to 3 3/4 inches per second :)  BTW, the verse of Jingle Bells sung in Polish was from this record by Joe Gumin:

Billie the Brownie was probably voiced here by Carol Cotter:  

a well known radio/TV broadcaster in the Milwaukee and Madison areas of Wisconsin.

Here is the Santa Claus goes on strike clip from the 1948 Fred Allen season.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY