Apollo 11 Moon landing animated video



source:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuDsX8atSUk

This was a really neat video pairing the actual voice transmissions of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and capcom: Charles Duke with an animated rendering of the Lunar Module Eagle landing on the Moon.  Even though I knew the ending the video gave me the chills !

One question: Neil and Buzz are standing in the Lunar Module but when they were in free fall were there stirrups or magnets on the soles of their boots to hold them in place ?  I've never thought of that before - in the command module about the only time they would stand would be before launch or after splashdown - otherwise they'd either be floating or strapped down.

Shortly after the landing I bought a 45 RPM record of the audio from the Apollo 11 landing.  I remember hearing:  

"4 forward . . .  4 forward, drifting to the right a little"  

I also bought a photo of the Lunar Module Eagle on the moon from WTMJ-TV channel 4 in Milwaukee.  And later bought the NY Times book: We Reach the Moon.

I've got to find my Moon landing stuff and post pictures of it here.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY