Polyakov mixer DC receiver article in Czech

 I was searching the always useful Worldradiohistory site for: polyakov radio 1976 and found a June 1983 article in Ham Radio magazine:


pages 44 and 45

and a couple of Australian articles in Amateur Radio Australia:


pages 432 and 433


pages 391 and 392

but also this article in Czech from Amaterske Radio, October 2009:

https://www.americanradiohistory.com/INTERNATIONAL/Amaterske Radio/Amaterske%20Radio%202009-10.pdf

pages 42 and 43

This brings up another chance to try my favorite machine translate site:


Here is the schematic of a DC receiver from the article using the Polyakov mixer:

Here are the article translations from page 42 & 43:





The reason for searching for:  Polyakov radio 1976    was that Vladimir Polyakov, RA3AAE had an article in the journal Radio in 1976.  I have that article and some of his others around here somewhere but haven't found them yet.  They are in Russian and would also be candidates for the machine translation.

Here is a bibliography of Polyakov articles in the nice online magazine Antentop:


The Polyakov mixer (aka sub harmonic mixer) is neat because when used in a Direct Conversion receiver it uses a BFO at 1/2 the receive frequency.  This can be very useful for hams since generally a lower frequency LC VFO will be easier to create.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY