It's that new tin time of the year
I saw this cookie tin in the most recent Target sale flyer:
Looks nice but IMO not as good a deal as the big Kirkland cookie tins from Costco:
![]() |
(and you get the possibility of cancer, too ! ??) |
Today I received my 2022 Swiss Colony catalog in the mail.
It's getting thinner and more threatening: "This may be your last catalog unless . . ." I used to buy food items from Swiss Colony but not recently. They do still have my favorite tin size:
But note that this free tin will require spending at least $15 plus tax.
Here is an audio filter I built into a similarly size Swiss Colony tin:
And here is that Swiss Colony tin on top of the Kirkland tin:
The Swiss Colony is perfect for medium sized projects too big for a candy tin - the Kirkland tin remains unused for now, maybe some kind of receiver or transceiver ? We'll see.
I think that either you are a Tin person or not - there's no in-between as far as enclosing electronic projects.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY