Demaw's Workbench column in Monitoring Times

December 1994

Any ham radio experimenter knows the name/call: Doug, W1FB.  He was a much published author in various magazines, QST mostly but also in CQ magazine, sometimes SPRAT (journal of the GQRP club) and in Monitoring Times.  While many of Doug's articles are only available via paid access the Monitoring Times column, Demaw's  Workbench, is available on the ever wonderful Worldradiohistory site:

AFAIK the column started in August 1988 and ended December 1997 (Doug died in September of 1997).  Here is a quick index to W1FB's articles (but you will probably end up downloading all the issues like I plan to :)

Aug    Making a circuit board
Sep    A Simple AM Radio
Oct    Transmitter Basics
Nov    Improving AM Transistor Radio Performance
Dec    Lowband converters

Jan    About toroid Cores
Feb    Build a frequency converter
Mar    Build your own boxes
Apr    Transistor and crystal testers you can build
May    About crystal oscillators
Jun    About Colpitts tunable oscillators
Jul    Build an SWR indicator
Aug    Build an LF Converter
Sep    Capacitors
Oct    Build a tunable antenna preamp/matcher
Nov    Build an RF/DC Voltmeter
Dec    About tuning diodes

Jan    Dip Meters and How to Use Them
Feb    Broadcast band filters and traps
Mar    Things you can do with diodes
Apr    Grounding systems
May    Low-Noise VHF/UHF Preamp
Jun    49 MHz low-power transmitter/amplifier
    second article: Solar Power for Battery Charging
Jul    On-ground antenna to reduce QRN
Aug    Circuit boards: etched and alternatives
Sep    Homemade Heat Sinks
Oct    QRP Transmitter for 40 meters
Nov    Indoor Antennas for the SWL
Dec    How to Build a Stable VFO

Jan    Direct-Conversion Receivers
Feb    Innovate and cut the cost of parts
Mar    10 MHz frequency standard
Apr    Double sideband/CW module
Jun    Power FETs as RF Power Amplifiers
Jul    Antenna matching for shortware receivers
Aug    Transient suppressor and AC line filter
Sep    Baluns
Oct    Local and remote antenna switching
Nov    Art of winding coils
Dec    Mobiling with your SW receiver

Jan    Build a simple regenerative receiver for the BC band
Feb    Build a simple S meter
Mar    A simple SW DX antenna
Apr    Build an active antenna
May    SWLing with a big loop antenna
Jun    Build High-Q Coils
Jul    How to maintain older radios
Aug    Homebrew Antenna Hardware
Sep    Monitor VHF with a 5-element Yagi
Oct    Build a simple whistle filter
Nov    Choosing and Using Resistors
Dec    Build a Voltmeter/Battery Tester

Jan    Build a Simple Low-Frequency Converter
Feb    Build a Low-Cost Transistor Tester
Mar    Balanced Feeders for SW Antennas
Apr    Baluns & Antenna Height
May    Add WWV to that Old Receiver
Jun    Choosing and using a VOM
Jul    Make Circuit Boards-Ugly Style
Aug    Low Cost Wooden Cabinets
Sep    Boosting AM BC-Band Reception
Oct    Build a BC-Band DX Receiver
Nov    Build a BC-Band DX Receiver - Part Two
Dec    Homemade Tuning Dial and Speaker

Jan    Add a BFO to your Shortwave Radio
Feb    An Inexpensive Ground-Plane Vertical for DX
Mar    How to Cut Antenna Material Costs
Apr    The Broadband Sloping-V Antenna
May    Effective Earth and Radio Ground Systems
Jun    For tunable oscillators, it's the 'Pitts
Jul    Microphone Impedance and Amplification
Aug    The Fine Art of Soldering
Sep    Fun for Beginners - Kit Building
Oct    Getting to Know the Dip Meter - an Old Friend
Nov    External Coupling to Broadcast Band Receivers
Dec    Low Cost Power Supplies

Jan    Tape Recorder Interface
Feb    DC Voltage Regulators
Mar    Understanding Transmitters (without a license)
Apr    Using Op Amps to Aid Reception
May    SWR
Jun    Dealing with Man-Made Noise
Jul    Looking for Parts?
Aug    Understanding Your S-Meter
Sep    Beginning Circuit Design
Oct    Multiband Reception w/Tuned Antenna Feeders
Nov    Using the MFJ-259 Multitester
Dec    Intro to Crystal Oscillators

Jan    Build a Multipurpose Broadband Amp
Feb    Learning to Work with Diodes
Mar    Easy Circuit Boards
Apr    Minimize Man-Made QRN
May    Build a Noise Squelcher
Jun    How to Tune Random-Length Antennas
Jul    Revitalizing Older Receivers
Aug    One Feed Line-Three Antennas
Sep    Choosing the Right Capacitor
Oct    Simple Receiver for the Beginner
Nov    Working with Toroids
Dec    Be a Mini-MF or LF Broadcaster

Jan    A Simple 455-kHz BFO
Feb    Home-brewed PC Boards
Mar    Tuning the End-Fed Antenna
Apr    Eliminating Spurious Signals
May    Active SWL Antenna
Jun    LF/VLF Converter
Jul    Handy Battery Tester
Aug    Breadboards on your PC
Sep    A Simple Receiver to Build
Oct    Feedline Tips, Equipment Protection
Nov    Build a Transistor Checker
Dec    Monitor the 6-meter Band

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY