A JJY (40 kHz timecode station in Japan) receiver, part 2: focus on the antenna

 Yesterday I tried the machine translate on an article from the April 1998 issue of CQ Ham Radio by JS1RSV.  Here is the next article by JS1RSV which concentrates more on the antenna for the LF timecode receiver.  I tried scanning it this time rather than using a camera.


JG1RSV first talks about a ferrite bar antenna he removed from an "atomic clock".  The ferrite bar antennas for WWVB (60 kHz) used to be available from Digikey but I'm afraid they are now unobtainium.  He also tried winding an antenna using a ferrite bar from an AM radio and 10 meters of wire but I'm not sure if the result was better or not.

JJG1RSV points out that the antenna is directional - not sure if he's going for most signal or most rejection of noise.  Anyway he hooked it to his computer and was able to decode the time information.

JG1RSV also furnished an updated receiver schematic, it looks very similar to the previous version but he added another op-amp amplifier stage after the transistor antenna preamp, so MORE gain !

Here are the six translated columns of text:

first page column 1

first page column 2

first page column 3

second page column 1

second page column 2

second page column 3

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY