Leaving Early
I saw this tweet showing the fireworks at Lambeau after the Packers beat the Bears, 27-10.
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a screen cap of the tweet |
While the Packers organization are truly fireworks crazy the thing that I noticed was all the people on the sidewalks walking, presumably to their cars ? Trying to beat the traffic and get home ? They've all paid big money to see the game, get attired, fed and so on. Why not spend a little time to savor the win, see the fireworks ?
I can remember when I was a kid going to a Braves game with my Dad. It was the last season before the Braves moved to Atlanta. Honestly the Braves weren't too good that year or that night. I can't remember who the opposition team was or where we sat. But I do remember that with the Braves losing my Dad said something like: "let's go home" about the 7th inning. I had built a little flasher that we clipped to the antenna of the car to help us find it in the parking lot. It worked but just as we get to the car there's a roar from the crowd. We get into the old '56 Chevy and turn on the radio (tube of course) and found out that Rico Carty had hit a home run.
I can't remember if the Braves won or not but I'll always remember bailing early to beat the traffic. I'm not blaming my Dad (or the folks pictured above) - he had to work the next day and my Dad was not a fan of baseball at all, so it was really nice of him to take me.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY