G3UUR crystal oscillator data
I finally found some 470 pF caps, hundreds of them, polystyrene, what was I going to do with them ? Anyway, that was the part I was missing for the G3UUR oscillator.
I tried searching for the published source of the G3UUR circuit on the internet, no luck. I dug out the "Technical Topics" book I have, these were columns from Radcom, the magazine of the Radio Society of Great Britain, nothing found. I did find articles by G3UUR in QEX magazine but none had the circuit. Finally I looked at W7ZOI's article in the June 1995 issue of QEX, that seems to be the first mention of the circuit in ham radio literature.
I built the 2 transistor circuit on a small white breadboard as seen here:
G3UUR circuit at lower left, imperfection in the cover hides a 3 so 4,915,379 |
The output is a decent 1 volt or so square wave, plenty to drive the ebay counter.
Here are the results:
included all the digits |
As expected the correlation with either the NanoVNA or the Butler oscillator weren't that great. I did do the second measurement for each crystal by unjumpering a 38.1 pF cap (used instead of the 47 pF cap used by W2AEW, here is a doc from his video with the circuit:
So, nothing much different for a conclusion, will stick with the NanoVNA, that seems to be the best method.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY