What was the day of the week for that date ?

For example: August 12, 2012 just punch in: day of week aug 12 2012 into your fave search mechanism and you get: an insignificant date for me but it was a Sunday Easy ! Fast ! Assume it's correct :) I used to work for a Windows "shop" - our main program used email for group calendaring. This was pre-internet, 386 boxes, windows 3.1, 10 megabyte hard drives, wired network with Netware, et cetera (the stone age). But people were interested in answering silly questions with our program like: what was the day of the week their nephew was born ? As long as the date wasn't too far back, no problem. Just proceed backwards in time and view the calendar for the date you were interested in. But with an older date there could be problems. For example: November 22, 1963, December 7, 1941 or November 19, 1863. Problems happened because the program would kerchunk in a non-zero sized file for each time period (...