A surprise
A couple of years ago about a month before Memorial day I was on my way to check on the maple sap jugs in the woods. Stepping into the woods from the field I was startled by a fluttering noise and the brief appearance of an animal. It was a bald eagle ! It's fairly unusual to see eagles here, about a mile from Lake Michigan. And when I have seen them the eagles have been roosting high in trees not on the ground. But an eagle actually in the woods on the ground, very strange.
Walking back to the house I could see that the eagle was injured and couldn't fly high or far. I got my camera and put on a telephoto lens. By the time I got back out near the woods the eagle had flown next door to the "stump dump". I was able to catch a few shots of the bird from fairly far away (ducking behind an old school bus for cover). I just couldn't get close enough for a good picture.
it's weird to see an eagle on the ground unless it's feeding on something |
the eagle just couldn't get any altitude or distance |
It is still special for me when I see an eagle |
As I mentioned yesterday, you can observe a lot by watching !
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY