
 For many when it comes to cartoons and ham radio there is only Gil (Phil Gildersleeve).  Also Robert Beasley did a number of cartoons for QST.  Even some Dilbert cartoons were sorta related to radio.  But when I was a kid I subscribed to Electronics Illustrated.  One of the attractions was the page of cartoons, "Over and Out", in each issue drawn by Charles Rodrigues.  He also was published in Popular Electronics.

My favorite kit cartoon:

Electronics Illustrated July 1969

Another kit cartoon:
Popular Electronics April 1965

The first radio clock ?
Electronics Illustrated March 1964

Per this site

Mr. Rodrigues is no longer with us.  Luckily has an almost inexhaustible supply of the old electronics magazines with his artwork.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY