Small shipping boxes

Every January the USPS raises the postal rates.  Actually in recent years the USPS raises rates in December, surge pricing for the holidays.  But one year the price for 1st Class Parcels only went up slightly.  BUT the USPS raised the minimum weight from 1 oz to 4 oz where it is in 2022.

Since I was paying for 4 oz at a minimum I thought that I might as well stop buying bubble pack mailers (3 x 5 000 size) and start recycling the shipping boxes I receive as smaller boxes for mailing kits.

I developed a small box using a Digi-Key box as a starting point.  I made up a pattern

box pattern

which is then traced onto a larger piece of cardboard (hopefully with minimum folds).
pattern box clamped to cardboard

traced pattern on cardboard

the new box after cutting on the lines

score lightly on fold lines with scissors and straight edge

here is the pattern box and the new box folded

new box weighed, a little over and ounce

Strapping tape is used on the three axes to secure the box for mailing.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY