notebook index file

 I updated noteindx.txt recently.  It's a chronological list of the page titles of my notebooks:

The Sony 2010 is a shortwave receiver

As shown, I use the find capability in Notepad to search for a key word.  It's not like using a true search engine but usually good enough to find the entry I want.

As mentioned previously I try to write the date on any circuit and then have a corresponding entry in my notebook.
date on the top of the K2 supply

the dates just need to be close :)

Although it's pleasant to leaf through a notebooks to look for stuff after more than one notebook it becomes kind of a chore:
the over 20 lab notebooks on a shelf next to the bench

so noteindx.txt became a necessity.  I write the time span of the notebook on the cover
the cover of the first notebook with date range

and also in noteindx.txt.  A more organized person would have color coding or numbering on the spine but this is good enough for me.
an amplifier for the microphone output of the Sony 2010 receiver

Although many of you have excellent memory believe me that will change for the worse over time.  And my memory was never that good to begin with.  That's the reason for keeping a lab notebook.  Think of yourself as a reporter, 5 Ws and an H.  But concentrate on the WHY, that's always the question in the future:  Why did I do it this way ?

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY