inquiry about a defunct kit

 I received an inquiry about the Simple Keyer kit:

The Simple Keyer kit was an elegant, 2 chip design by N1HFX.  I had made some slight changes to lower the standby power usage.

People always claim they hate menus and want simple stuff but really, simple doesn't sell.  Another reason for discontinuing the kit was because I hated prepunching the tin.

The circuit board is relatively cheap/easy to bring back.  The sockets and passive components aren't a problem.

Not sure if I have the pot/knob, also the connectors.  Connectors have skyrocketed in price if you can get them at all.  The last bunch I bought didn't fit the board so that is an issue.  Also I used to be able to buy the metric retaining rings for the 3.5mm connectors from Mouser (along with a tool to tighten them) but they aren't sold any longer.

I do have one of the ICs and the other is still available from Mouser.

I guess the bottom line is that it would be a fair amount of work to bring back something that won't sell well - I'd rather spend my time on something new that I at least will use myself.

So I won't bring this one back.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY