FPM-200 update to the update

After the previous FPM-200 blog post I was thinking:  what did the Allied catalog have in the October 1962 time frame.  Unfortunately I didn't find the 1962 catalog on the World Radio History site.

so I did a search and noticed this video:


Completely new concept to me, paging through a catalog on Youtube, brilliant.  However the http://www.alliedcatalogs.com site on the Youtube video just comes up blank.

screen cap of FPM-200 in the 1962 Allied catalog

So the Allied price is also $1995 although that seems to include the power supply, not sure on the mobile bracket.  So I suspect that $1995 was the original price of the FPM-200 bundle, this was during the era of "fair trade" but I don't recall seeing any ads in QST proclaiming discounts although most ham dealer seemed to tout trade-ins so plenty of leeway there for pricing.

Here again is that WRL ad from QST
World Radio Labs ad 10/1962 QST page 157

I did check the 1961 Allied catalog on Archive.org but the Hallicrafters pages don't feature the FPM-200


Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY